Wednesday, March 13, 2019

We are all Samurai

We never used to call it "Cybersecurity" - we all called it "Information Security" - this was when the Internet didn't exist - we were tasked with protecting the Information or Data derived from business operations.  It didn't become "cybersecurity" until that data was connected to the Internet.

At some point, businesses understood that they couldn't share this data over this new medium called the "Internet" without ensuring others couldn't see or access this data.  So Information Security turned into Cybersecurity.

Today all articles reporting on hacks of sensitive data call it a "cybersecurity" hack - therefore we must all embrace the pop culture of "cybersecurity" as our calling.  That is so that we can relate to those decision-maker's understanding and terminology.

For us - nothing has changed.  We continue to implement the required security controls.  Those today include - enhanced endpoint protection (with threat intelligence) - network-based intrusion and intelligence - and perimeter-based default controls along with intelligence-based controls.

A Samurai would understand what the Shogun wanted to accomplish, and then translate that down to his team of battle-ready Samurai.  Our current security operations team has the same goals - what does your application need to do?  Once that is ascertained, we know how to secure it

Cybersecurity warriors act from a place of honor - of integrity.  We are here to protect the Shogonate, or the organization.  We understand the threats and our defenses - we recommend and manage those improvements to ensure the security of the Shoganate or organization.

Understand where the security pro is coming from.  Trust them to carry out that mission.  There is no greater of a protector thank one who has based Integrity as their prime directive.

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